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Venerable Mother Eliswa Vakayil

The Foundress of CTC

Born on 15 th October 1831

Died on 18 th July 1913

Declared Servant of God on 6 th March 2008

Venerable on 08 th November 2023

The TOCD Congregation for women founded by Mother Eliswa in 1866 at Koonammavu, was the first religious congregation in Kerala. Her own daughter,Anna and her sister Thresia, were the co-foundresses, who shared her charism. Mother Eliswa received also the members of Syro-Malabar rite and the congregation developed as a congregation for both rites. After 24 years, the TOCD for women was divided according to rites and two congregations were formed. The Latin branch is the Congregation of Teresian Carmelites (CTC) and the Syrian branch is the Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (CMC). The CTC has now 213 convents in 11 provinces and houses in abroad. The sisters dedicate themselves in the apostolate of prayer, education, moral formation of the youth, running orphanages and old age homes, missionary activities, hospital ministry, women empowerment programmes,family apostolate social work and jail ministry. Mother Eliswa was declared Servant of God on 6 th March, 2008 and was declared Venerable on 8 th November, 2023.

Contemplative union with God in a life of communion through charity and Ecclesial Service.

Passion for Christ and compassion for humanity.


Mother Shahila CTC

General Councillors


News and Events



Sr. Merlitta CTC was awarded Best Animator of KRLCC



Superior General’s Visit to Avila Province



Inauguration of  new Convent and Health at Kamanayakanpatti, under Amala Province