In India
In the CTC Formation program, there are 5 decisive stages and formation houses are in three zones: 1. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh. 2. Lisieux and St. Little Flower Province. 3. Avila and St. Teresa Provinces. Every phase of formation is a continuation of the previous one and a preparation for the next and after the strict stages of formation, the journey continues as ongoing formation. A candidate is formed to the status of the CTC lifestyle in which the Foundress identified herself to Jesus and lived the love of God in fraternal communion in the community and apostolic service.
1. CTC Candidates
The initial period of formation is Candidacy. The aim of the candidacy is to give our candidates an opportunity to come in direct contact with our way of life and apostolate to discern their vocation to our congregation. The period of Candidacy is for one year. The candidates are given special classes for improving their language and Catechetical knowledge.
2. CTC Postulants
This period of formation is to strengthen the seed of Carmelite vocation. This is a necessary requirement for all candidates to religious life. The duration of Postulancy is flexible according to the need of the time. The postulants are trained in natural virtues as well as to deepen their knowledge of Christian faith and Gospel values.
3. Pre-Novices of CTC
The Third stage of Formation is Pre- Novitiate for two months, a period of special preparation to enter the Canonical Novitiate. It is a time for deeper study of Christian values and vocation.
4. Novices of CTC
The fourth stage is the Canonical Novitiate. This is the beginning of the experience of religious life. It is a time of integral initiation to the form of life proposed in the charism of the Congregation. After the Canonical novitiate, in the second year, the Novices are taken to the respective provinces for giving specific experience in the life and mission of their Province in their geographical setting.
5. Junior Sisters for Final Profession
The fifth and last stage is the Tertianship. The junior sisters in the congregation are given three weeks course every year in connection with their renewal of vows. The Tertianship is a period of formation for perpetual profession, which verifies the spiritual maturity required and leads to a definitive commitment. The preparation consists of a programme lasting a year in which they are given adequate Theological formation. The Tertianship is conducted in Carmel Niketan, Thambuchettipalaya, K.R. Puram, Bangalore, Karnataka. After the perpetual profession, the ongoing formation continues till the end of one’s life.
Formation in Africa
The Postulants and novices from Rwanda in Africa are formed in St. Therese Carmel Convent, the newly built formation house in Butare Diocese. The formation of the Candidates is in St. Euthymia Carmel Convent in Gikongoro Diocese. Two sisters from Rwanda are already professed in the Congregation of Teresian Carmelites and the profession of the third will be on 28th July, 2024.

First batch of Professed Sisters from Rwanda, Africa