Amala Province of the Congregation of Teresian Carmelites began her history on the dawn of 8 th December 1948, when the first convent in Kottar Diocese was blessed and inaugurated at Thuckalay as Amala Convent. Till 1979 Amala was under the direct administration of the General team and on 30 th May, 1979 it became Amala Region, Rev. Sr. Stanislaus as the first regional superior. In 1988 Amala Region was raised to the level of a Province. Rev. Sr. Mary Edna was the first Provincial Superior. Consequently, the Province flourished and there was a hike in the number of convents as well as members from 1988 onwards. The first Formation House was started in the year 1991. In 1996 the Provincialate was changed from Thuckalay to Samayapuram, Trichy. 289 sisters serve in 14 dioceses of Tamilnadu and the number of convents has increased to 39. From the beginning onwards education is the chosen field of apostolate, hence the sisters form the future generation through 16 schools, B. Ed College and special schools. Aiming at the physical, mental, spiritual and social-well being of the human person, our sisters take part in the healing ministry through 10 dispensaries and one hospital in the rural areas of the state. Sisters run V. Guard stabilizer assembling units, Printing Press and tailoring institutes, considering the welfare of the women folk of the village. Considering the prime duty of a CTC sister to involve in Christian formation of the faithful, sisters are involved in catechesis and in animating different pious associations. The little seed that sown in the soil of Tamil Nadu has now grown into a mighty tree. Opening a new chapter in the history of the Province on 16 th January 2013 the new Vimala region takes its birth as the offshoot of Amala Province with 16 convents and later developed into a Province. Thus the province continues its journey to holiness under the patronage of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception. The present Provincial Superior is Sr. Amalore Mary./p>