CTC Lay Fraternity (CTCLF)
CTC Lay Fraternity is a lay wing of the Congregation of Teresian Carmelites. It is an integral part of CTC and in fraternal Communion with CTC. The members of CTC LF share the same Eliswanic Charism with the CTC each according to their state of Life. The members are called to the Family of CTC LF to be deeply involved in the mission of the Church, to contribute to the transformation of the secular world. They find in Mary, the Mother of Jesus, in Prophet Elijah, in St. Teresa of Jesus and in Mother Eliswa the models for this way of living. There are members in CTC LF in many parishes. The classes and gathering of the members are arranged by the Provincial Superiors in their respective Provinces.
Members of CTC LF

Contemplative Community
We have started a contemplative Community with four members at Pranidhana Harmyam Convent at Ayiroor on experimental basis. The CTC contemplative community is a call within the call to be in union with God. The cloister minimizes distractions and provides the silence needed for the great work of penance and contemplation. They live an austere life of penance and renunciation.