Contemplative prayer in the heart of the church and apostolic zeal inherent in a generous gift of ourselves..

St. Teresa our mother managed to unite in herself the activity of Martha together with the contemplation of Mary. She achieved this balanced contemplativeness by virtue of the strength and integrity of her character under the influence of her interior life. Indeed, it was only after her conversion to a fervent practice of prayer that she discovered her gift for effective action. She insists that the grace of mystical prayer is given only to those who, by working at humble self-knowledge and service to others, purify their hearts. Pure prayer is a way of being in the world, united with God not only by intention but by conscious awareness.
Once we get a taste of genuine prayer, as Teresa discovered we might become more intimately united with God causing us to change our weak habits. Authentic prayer has the power to reveal to us that our habits may not be as good as we assumed. Prayer, then, is participation with God in the work of transformation that makes us children of God and heirs of the kingdom.
Teresa’s writings inform us today that it is within us that we will discover the meaning of Jesus’ words. “My house will be called a house of prayer”. She is for the entire world to know, appreciate and savor that the kingdom and the King dwells within each creature. She reaffirms that it is within the Kingdom of God that the majestic King dwells. He jealously awaits us daily in prayer. Aim only to be kind, compassionate, patient and gentle as Jesus showed. Enjoy God’s silent presence, It is truly there that adoration, praise, honor and thanksgiving can be given. Teresa assures us that the abundant blessings, gifts and favors that God gives, especially in prayer, mass and the sacraments will astonish and astound us. Give it time and God will capture us.
As Teresa matured in prayer more generously she began to listen in prayer and surrender to her vocation wholeheartedly. Prayer for her was not a compelling event at first. Only when she begin to live out her prayer life through generous sacrifice and obedience to her vows did she understand and sense the sweetness that prayer offered her.
The writings of St. Teresa and your prayer will furthermore inspire us to spend more time and reflection on this divine Person who dwells with us on earth as He is in Heaven. St Teresa’s mystical writings lived out will steep you in unforgettable contemplation of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Sincere prayer is unitive and Trinitarian and encourages and impels you to show and have love for God and all of God’s creatures. God jealously loves us and wants us to jealously love others. Give to God what is God’s and to Caesar what is Caesar’s.
May the intercession of Holy mother St.Teresa personally assist each one of us to do God’s will with a merry disposition and peace despite pain and challenges. However, be prepared and aware as St. Teresa assures us that Jesus treats his friends with the heaviest crosses. That is why He has few! Let the Celebration of Fifth Birth Centenary bring us close to Jesus and ourselves through contemplative prayer for an intimate self-knowledge and personal renewal in our lives.
Our Foundress Servant of God Mother Eliswa shared the charism and vision of St.Teresa of Avila. As we focus on the renewal of our congregation returning to our founder charism, let us pray through the intercession of our holy mother St.Teresa that the Word of God may find place in the hearts of all in the CTC family. May the contemplation of the Word strengthen us to walk in Jesus, rooted in Jesus an built upon Jesus. May each of us grow into an intense experience of God which reaches out to embrace all humanity.